As ISPs seek payments from Big Tech, Google criticizes “sender-pays” model thumbnail
As ISPs seek payments from Big Tech, Google criticizes “sender-pays” model
In November 2021, the CEOs of 13 large European telecom companies called on tech giants to pay for a portion of the Internet service providers' network upgrade costs. The FCC operates a Universal Service Fund (USF) that distributes money to telecom companies to expand into unserved or underserved ar
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  • In November 2021, the CEOs of 13 large European telecom companies called on tech giants to pay for a portion of the Internet service providers' network upgrade costs.
  • The FCC operates a Universal Service Fund (USF) that distributes money to telecom companies to expand into unserved or underserved areas. The fund has been paid for by Americans through fees on their phone bills for decades.
  • The five largest streamers in the US account for something like 75 percent of all network traffic," Carr said today. "They impose outsized costs, they rake in revenues previously unknown to history. But streamers aren't the only Big Tech entities we can look to and are looking to in the US as a potential solution. For instance, the US could replace...


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