Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose thumbnail
Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose TunnelVision vulnerability has existed since 2002 and may already be known to attackers. Researchers have devised an attack against nearly all virtual private network applications that forces them to send and receive some or al
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  • Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose
  • TunnelVision vulnerability has existed since 2002 and may already be known to attackers.
  • Researchers have devised an attack against nearly all virtual private network applications that forces them to send and receive some or all traffic outside of the encrypted tunnel designed to protect it from snooping or tampering.
  • TunnelVision, as the researchers have named their attack, largely negates the entire purpose and selling point of VPNs, which is to encapsulate incoming and outgoing Internet traffic in an encrypted tunnel and to cloak the user’s IP address.

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