A passenger aircraft that flies around the world at Mach 9? Sure, why not thumbnail
A passenger aircraft that flies around the world at Mach 9? Sure, why not
Duggleby is chief technology officer of a company he co-founded with his wife, Sassie. Venus Aerospace has the goal of building a hypersonic aircraft that can carry perhaps a dozen passengers and travel at the astonishingly fast speed of Mach 9, or more than 11,000 kilometers an hour. Going really f
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  • Duggleby is chief technology officer of a company he co-founded with his wife, Sassie.
  • Venus Aerospace has the goal of building a hypersonic aircraft that can carry perhaps a dozen passengers and travel at the astonishingly fast speed of Mach 9, or more than 11,000 kilometers an hour.
  • Going really fast
  • One problem is that Mach 9 is really, really freaking fast. No airplane has ever gone this fast.
  • The speediest airplane ever built is Lockheed's SR-71 "Blackbird," which traveled at Mach 3.2.

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