“Please slow down”—The 7 biggest AI stories of 2022 thumbnail
“Please slow down”—The 7 biggest AI stories of 2022
More than once this year, AI experts have repeated a familiar refrain: "Please slow down." AI news in 2022 has been rapid-fire and relentless; the moment you knew where things currently stood in AI, a new paper or discovery would make that understanding obsolete. In April, OpenAI announced DALL-E 2,
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  • More than once this year, AI experts have repeated a familiar refrain: "Please slow down." AI news in 2022 has been rapid-fire and relentless; the moment you knew where things currently stood in AI, a new paper or discovery would make that understanding obsolete.
  • In April, OpenAI announced DALL-E 2, a deep-learning image-synthesis model that blew minds with its seemingly magical ability to generate images from text prompts. Trained on hundreds of millions of images pulled from the Internet, DALL-E 2 knew how to make novel combinations of imagery thanks to a technique called latent diffusion.
  • In early July, the Washington Post broke news that a Google engineer named Blake Lemoine was put on paid leave related to his belief that Google's LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) was sentient—and that it deserved rights equal to a human.
  • Google replied that LaMDA was only telling Lemoine what he wanted to hear and that LaMDA was not, in fact, sentient. Like the text generation tool GPT-3, LaMDA had previously been trained on millions of books and websites. It responded to Lemoine's input (a prompt, which includes the entire text of the conversation) by predicting the most likely wo...
  • In July, DeepMind announced that its AlphaFold AI model had predicted the shape of almost every known protein of almost every organism on Earth with a sequenced genome. Originally announced in the summer of 2021, AlphaFold had earlier predicted the shape of all human proteins. But one year later, its protein database expanded to contain over 200 mi...



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