Decades after “breakup,” Doom’s Carmack and Romero are rehashing their legacy thumbnail
Decades after “breakup,” Doom’s Carmack and Romero are rehashing their legacy
The Twitch-streamed event, announced on social media late last week by Romero, will take place on Doom's anniversary of December 10 Carmack and Romero will discuss the game and its legacy with moderator and Rocket Jump author David L. Craddock But "the two Johns" say that reports of their falling ou
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  • The Twitch-streamed event, announced on social media late last week by Romero, will take place on Doom's anniversary of December 10
  • Carmack and Romero will discuss the game and its legacy with moderator and Rocket Jump author David L. Craddock
  • But "the two Johns" say that reports of their falling out have been exaggerated over the years
  • (Update: Romero takes issue with this story in his recent memoir, writing that the time-tracking story actually took place at Cygnus Studios. "Carmack never programmed anything on my computer, a fact I've confirmed with him, nor did he give me a list of my hours," Romero wrote. "Rather, he accused me of not being fully focused on Quake.")
  • Carmack left Meta with a frustration-filled departure message and now puts his professional time into AGI startup Keen Technologies.

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