Android’s AI era includes eavesdropping on phone calls, warning you about scams thumbnail
Android’s AI era includes eavesdropping on phone calls, warning you about scams
Android’s AI era includes eavesdropping on phone calls, warning you about scams The wildest demo revealed that Gemini will listen to your phone calls. One demo involved a scam phone call where the scammer on the other end claimed fraudulent charges were happening on your account and that the best wa
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  • Android’s AI era includes eavesdropping on phone calls, warning you about scams
  • The wildest demo revealed that Gemini will listen to your phone calls. One demo involved a scam phone call where the scammer on the other end claimed fraudulent charges were happening on your account and that the best way to secure your money would be to transfer it to a new account. After hearing the scammer speak the request to transfer money, th...

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