AI can now master your music—and it does shockingly well thumbnail
AI can now master your music—and it does shockingly well
AI-powered mastering has quickly become ubiquitous. In addition to Apple and LANDR, the audio plugin makers at Waves offer an online AI mastering service. So does Brainworx, out of Germany. Master Channel has one. Or you can use Maastr. Bandlab provides few options but will do the job for free. And
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  • AI-powered mastering has quickly become ubiquitous. In addition to Apple and LANDR, the audio plugin makers at Waves offer an online AI mastering service. So does Brainworx, out of Germany. Master Channel has one. Or you can use Maastr. Bandlab provides few options but will do the job for free. And iZotope of Boston sells an expensive but gloriousl...

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