The Culture Wars Inside the New York Times | The New Yorker thumbnail
The Culture Wars Inside the New York Times | The New Yorker
He would often cut things out from the newspaper that he didn’t quite like and he would say, “Explain this to me, explain why they wrote it this way. You’re the journalist, you explain why they did this.” And when I started writing myself and had my own byline in the school paper, and then later pro
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  • He would often cut things out from the newspaper that he didn’t quite like and he would say, “Explain this to me, explain why they wrote it this way. You’re the journalist, you explain why they did this.” And when I started writing myself and had my own byline in the school paper, and then later professionally, he collected every one of those thing...
  • You went on, “The newsroom is not a safe space. It’s a space where you’re being exposed to lots of journalism, some of which you are not going to like.”
  • I’m quoting here in part (they’re very long): “Journalists have no place on the playing fields of politics. Staff members are entitled to vote, but they must do nothing that might raise questions about their professional neutrality or that of the Times.” I think some people might argue, O.K., that’s actually a little bit of a fiction to bolster a s...
  • What I’ve really learned about managing, particularly at the Times and particularly in this job, is to be as immersed as I possibly can be in the journalistic work that we’re doing every day. I have the word “executive” in my title, but actually the more important part is “editor” and being involved with the journalists themselves, with their edito...

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