Alnylam blames the Inflation Reduction Act for a PhIII cut — would it… thumbnail
Alnylam blames the Inflation Reduction Act for a PhIII cut — would it…
Most med­ica­tions cov­ered by Part B are ad­min­is­tered by a health pro­fes­sion­al, while most drugs cov­ered by Part D are those ob­tained from a lo­cal phar­ma­cy. but notes the law is ex­plic­it­ly tar­get­ed at Medicare — in oth­er words, pri­mar­i­ly peo­ple at least 65 years old. “It seems
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  • Most med­ica­tions cov­ered by Part B are ad­min­is­tered by a health pro­fes­sion­al, while most drugs cov­ered by Part D are those ob­tained from a lo­cal phar­ma­cy.
  • but notes the law is ex­plic­it­ly tar­get­ed at Medicare — in oth­er words, pri­mar­i­ly peo­ple at least 65 years old.
  • “It seems com­plete­ly ab­surd,” Fer­nan­dez Lynch said of the or­phan drug ex­emp­tion rea­son­ing. “Why not just price the drug rea­son­ably in­stead?”

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