As soon as one has found the right way, movement and exercising become an instinct, a natural need.
crocodile breathing can help you optimally ventilate your lungs. Concentrate on breathing deep into the lower back, into the flanks, while stretching the chest and abdomen at the same time.
Animal Moves training programs Animal Moves training programs focus on different areas, from strength building to metabolic training and skill-based workout. Usually you need between 25 and 45 minutes for a workout if you follow our training plans. Of course, you can easily add more exercises to your workout. Only pay attention to the respective fo...
“Freestyle” Animal Moves For your own creativity in developing your own Animal Moves combinations, here are a few ideas! a) Play with Transitions In the introductory chapters, we already discussed the huge potential in the transitions between animal exercises. There isn’t just one way of doing it.
b) Hopping, crawling, creeping: categorize your workout into one idea of movement! You have been introduced to exercises of different animal species, which all have their own characteristic forms of locomotion. Just think of the hopping movement of a frog and a kangaroo, the typical movement of the primates (monkey walks) or the crawling and creepi...
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