Partner choice is a self-development journey, driving us to learn more about ourselves, about other people, about life and the way we want to live it.
Map out your typical week – morning, afternoon, evening. Indicate which of those twenty-one time segments are currently full to the brim, then judge how many segments you would – or could – happily drain in order to make room for a relationship.
Helen Fisher, Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University, MRI-scanned fifteen newly single students and found their brains shimmering with a pain akin to that of going cold turkey from drug addiction. So it’s not surprising that post-break-up is rarely the moment when we are emotionally available to connect with another.
For recovery after a break-up, the litmus test is whether we can yet think about our former partner kindly – or if not, then at least not with hate but with love’s true opposite, indifference.
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