It does not get messy all by itself. You, the person who lives in it, makes the mess. There is a saying that ‘a messy room equals a messy mind’.
When we tidy each place separately, we fail to see that we’re repeating the same work in many locations and become locked into a vicious circle of tidying. To avoid this, I recommend tidying by category. For example, instead of deciding that today you’ll tidy a particular room, set goals like ‘clothes today, books tomorrow’.
tidy by category not by place.
tidying is a special event. Don’t do it every day.
If you think tidying is an endless chore that must be done every day, you are seriously mistaken. There are two types of tidying – ‘daily tidying’ and ‘special event tidying’. Daily tidying, which consists of using something and putting it back in its place, will always be part of our lives as long as we need to use clothes, books, writing material...
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