The youth of humanity all around our planet are intuitively revolting from all sovereignties and political ideologies. The youth of Earth are moving intuitively toward an utterly classless, raceless, omnicooperative, omniworld
The U.S. government does not study anything holistically. Everything is studied and justified in isolation from all else. We, as a collective, can do much better. The future of intelligence is not secret, not federal, and not expensive. It is about transparency, truth, and trust.
useless contracting and technology for thinking. We lack intelligence as well as integrity in that we are spending $80 billion8 a year on secret collection sources and methods, processing virtually none of that, and producing, in the words of General Tony Zinni, USMC (Retired), “at best” four percent of what the President or a major commander needs...
Transparency, which engenders truth, is the foundation for all this.
As we know, the industrial-era formations of state and company and religion do not meet all our needs—they are exclusive rather than inclusive, hierarchical rather than egalitarian. They also encourage corruption and allow an egregious concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Completely apart from the ethical atrocity, any concentration of th...
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