Geoff Gunning

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  • to be able by the exercise of will-power to contract certain muscles while relaxing others antagonistic to them is WHAT IS MEANT BY MUSCLE CONTROL.
  • Relaxation is just as important as contraction, for unless a muscle be supple enough to lie soft when relaxed, real control is out of the question.
  • For lasting and practical results in exercising, it must be pleasurable and energizing; not monotonous and exhausting;
  • the greater advances made with the all-powerful march of civilization, the greater will the need of muscle-control become; for a great brain will not be at its best in a debilitated or unfit body, and there will be little time for sports and games, saving for the few. The fight for supremacy will become too keen, and the fit body and quicklyworking...
  • Do not confine the study of any single isolation to one side only, but practice controlling both sides alternately.
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