VITOs have big egos! A healthy ego is a defining trait of high achievers, and it's certainly a defining trait among VITOs. What else? Power, control, and authority are important to VITOs. VITOs are brief, direct, and to the point. VITOs are self-assured, self-determined, driven to success, and goal and results oriented. VITOs are highly accountable...
Here is VITO's “short list:” Increasing revenues and exceeding the projected revenue plan Increasing efficiencies and effectiveness of: » Revenue-generating employees » Mission-critical employees » Mission-critical processes » Workflow and related operations » Procurement » Capital resources » Customer-facing services Cutting and or containing cost...
If you stop and think about it, you will realize that the expectations you are responsible for boil down to these four: Revenue generation Effectiveness/efficiency/resource management Cost and time containment Compliance
if I respect time in my own world (which by definition includes all of my sales work), it's a heck of a lot easier for me to understand and respect the value of time in VITO's world.
Because time is so valuable, VITOs don't treat all potential business relationships equally,
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