The plan for it developed when one of us taught Old Testament survey courses at the collegiate level and was frustrated by the lack of an adequate text.
CHAPTER 1 The Pentateuch
This word derives from Gk. pentateuchos, “five-volume (book).”
The building blocks of the Pentateuch, then, are promise, election, deliverance, covenant, law, and land.
The element central to these confessions of faith is the Exodus, for it represents both Yahweh’s deliverance of Israel from slavery and their election as his people. Yahweh’s pivotal saving deed in Israel’s history, the Exodus serves as the model for other saving acts (cf. Amos 2:4-10; 3:1f.; Jer. 2:2-7; Pss. 77:13-19 [MT 14-20]; 78:12-55).
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