Evola goes on to quote Cornelius Agrippa: “No one can excel in the alchemical art without knowing these principles in himself; and the greater the knowledge of self, the greater will be the magnetic power attained thereby and the greater the wonders to be realized.”
So what are these principles in ourselves? “We can say that in general the Sun is ‘form’ and the power of individuation,” Evola writes, “while the Moon—which preserves the archaic Mother and Woman symbols—expresses the ‘material’ and universal: to the undifferentiated vitality, to the cosmic spirit or the ether-light, corresponds the feminine.”
“astral light”—a watery astral substance that has no shape of its own but can take on the shapes of specific things. This is to say that experience has no qualities in a pure state; we never just experience, but rather we experience something, and we experience it as something—a table, book, chair, or what-have-you.
The alchemical process, then, can be seen as an elaborate allegory of the descent of consciousness into the matter and the means by which it returns to its pristine state.
You can only find your God by generating Him in yourself, in the darkness of your own body.
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